

9月の当社航空輸出入実績および関空での取扱状況について(September statistics of Air import/Export & Cargo Handling situation at Osaka Kansai airport


【September statistics of Air import/Export & Cargo Handling situation at Osaka Kansai airport 】
1) Air Export
# Export volume from Japan was 6,603 tons (110.8% : compared with the same month of the previous year)
Export volume from Osaka was 733 tons, this is 38.9% (compared with the same month of the previous year) only.
# The volume from Osaka is recovering day by day, the result of the last week of September recovered 47% (job number) 54% (volume)
Hankyu Hanshin Express will use other airport until when the function at KIX recovered completely, we will try to increase the route and the volume from KIX continuously
2) Air Import
# Numbers of job for air import customs clearance was 13,033 jobs. (86.2% : compared with the same month of the previous year)
Numbers at KIX was 1,821 jobs and 41.4% (compared with the same month of the previous year) only.
# Numbers of job for air import customs clearance at KIX of the last week of September recovered around 70%.
We are still using other airports for import due to space problem, but our all agents/subsidiaries at overseas re-start arranging for KIX.
We will unite and support the restoration of the international logistics at Kansai area.
If additional information is needed, please don’t hesitate to contact with our sales PIC at any time.