President’s Message

Throughout its long history over 100 years, the Hankyu Hanshin Holdings Group has been making proposals for enriched lifestyles and contributing to the development of attractive towns and cities along its railway lines. As a core company of the Group, HANKYU HANSHIN EXPRESS is engaged in one of its core businesses: international transportation. We are conducting this business from more than 180 business bases in 28 countries and regions across the world. As our corporate philosophy says, "We connect value globally."
The rampant spread of COVID-19 had a serious impact not only on our everyday lives but also on the global logistics market, which is the business domain of HANKYU HANSHIN EXPRESS. The effects of the protracted pandemic are now finally subsiding, with cargo space shortages easing for both air and ocean transportation and supply chains gradually normalizing as inventory adjustments come to an end.
Under these circumstances, HANKYU HANSHIN EXPRESS opened the Zama Global Logistics Center in Zama City, Kanagawa Prefecture in December 2023, with an eye to meeting the expanding demand in the logistics business by establishing the new facility as one of the largest logistics centers in Japan.
Meanwhile, at our overseas subsidiaries, we are opening and expanding local warehouse facilities to enhance our logistics business. We are also further enhancing our global network by measures such as establishing a subsidiary in the United Arab Emirates.
In addition, we will press forward with digital transformation (DX) to meet the requests of our customers, including integrating the different operational systems of our subsidiaries into "One Data Base" for higher logistics transparency and the provision of more value-added services.
Going forward, we will continue to expand our air and ocean transportation and logistics businesses and enhance our overseas subsidiaries toward the achievement of our long-term vision, while working to solve social issues through our business operations as stated in our Sustainability Declaration. We will thereby increase our corporate value in a sustainable manner and live up to our corporate message.
<Hankyu Hanshin Express Corporate Message>
Link to Life. Link to the World. Link to the Future.
Connecting lives, Connecting the world and connecting the future
We are committed to remaining a company that perpetually contributes to the world by globally connecting information and thoughts rather than merely transporting cargo.
To this end, we would ask for your continued support and cooperation.
April 2024
Kazuhiro Tanimura, President & CEO