Hankyu Hanshin Express defines compliance as “not only complying with laws and regulations but also keeping up with social common sense and ethics that change with the times, thereby taking the right action as a corporation or individual.” We believe that promoting compliance-oriented business management means responding to the trust and expectations of all of our stakeholders, and further contributing to the development of the entire society. Knowing that lack of compliance awareness may generate risks, we place the highest priority on raising compliance awareness of each of us.

Corporate governance system
Hankyu Hanshin Express considers compliance as a management foundation for supporting its growth strategy. As part of the initiative to improve the foundations, we have strengthened cooperation among the Risk Management & Compliance Division, Auditing Division, and Quality Control Division and have established a corporate governance promotion committee based on a PDCA cycle.
Plan (General Affairs & Human Resources Divisions) ⇒ Do (Business Divisions) ⇒ Check (Internal Auditing Department) ⇒ Act (Quality Management Division)
Hankyu Hanshin Express will raise the compliance awareness among its entire Group by using the PDCA cycle and improve self-purification capacity of its organization and employees. In implementing the PDCA cycle, we will set policies, guidelines and targets for our entire Group that are in tune with the times by considering issues including environmental changes and the requests of society and customers.

Compliance Subcommittee
As part of the initiative to establish a system contributing to improving the value of the entire Group, Hankyu Hanshin Express has set up the Compliance Subcommittee. With the aim of raising their compliance awareness, all employees are provided with and familiarized with the Compliance Handbook, in which the examples of the actions that violate laws or social norms, or betray the confidence of our customers, as well as likely cases of incompliance, are presented. Hankyu Hanshin Express will endeavor to further enhance the compliance system as an issue that the entire Group, including overseas subsidiaries, should address.
Compliance Subcommittee
To foster a corporate culture respecting corporate ethics and social norms, thereby ensuring compliance
Risk Management Subcommittee
As the speed of change in the business environment surrounding us is increasingly faster, the risks facing us are increasing and diversified. Risk are anything that may threaten the growth or development of a company, influencing or inhibiting the company’s efforts toward achieving its goals or implementing strategies. In addressing the risks, which may even affect the survival of a company, Hankyu Hanshin Express promotes Enterprise Risk Management, or ERM, throughout the company under the initiative of the Risk Management Subcommittee. We have clarified and familiarize our members with the basic policies, allocation of roles, handling procedures, etc. for an emergency such as a serious disaster, placing the highest priority on ensuring the level of services agreed to by our customers.
Risk Management Subcommittee
To gather, assess, and classify risks, and use them for the Enterprise Risk Management (ERM), as part of our growth strategy.
Internal control
Hankyu Hanshin Express has established the basic policies for its “internal control system” as a framework necessary for business activities and regulations concerning establishment and evaluation of “internal control over financial reporting”, for the purpose of ensuring the properness of business operations and financial reports.
Consultation channels
Consultation channels are set up for the purpose of facilitating early discovery of violation of laws and regulations or corporate ethics and implementation of proper countermeasures.
Information security
Hankyu Hanshin Express has established the basic policies for information security to ensure that information assets, including the personal information of customers. are properly handled, and is committed to the maintenance and improvement of information security. While requiring all employees to fully understand the importance of information security, the Company promotes activities for information security in all organizational, personal, physical and technical aspects under the initiative of the Information Security Committee.
Information Security Committee
To establish an organizational information security management system based on the various regulations related to information security. The Committee also promotes management.
Prevention of human rights violations
Hankyu Hanshin Express considers the risk of a human rights violation to be a serious issue. We have been trying to create a safe, comfortable workplace environment in consideration for employees’ health and to eradicate any iscriminatory remarks, forced labor or child labor.
Hankyu Hanshin Express must recognize there is a risk that it may have a part in human rights violations, depending on countries or regions, when conducting business activities in global markets. We are not allowed to have a part in direct human rights violations for our beneficial interests, and may not overlook human rights violations if there is involvement in such act within the range of our influence, including third parties.
Hankyu Hanshin Express will endeavor to raise its employees’ awareness on issues related to human rights so that it can promptly and appropriately cope with an occurrence of a human rights issue.